Dermatology Services

Diagnosis and treatment of skin-related conditions that can cause discomfort, pain, and illness.

Just like humans, your pet wants to be comfortable in their skin and fur. Pets can suffer from dermatitis, yeast infections, ringworm, hair loss, skin tumours, mange, fleas and ticks. Luckily for pet owners’ issues relating to skin, hair and nails are very easy to spot in their loving pets.

What are signs that my pet may have skin issues?

Each pet is different and may display one or more signs of skin problems. As a pet owner, please pay close attention to:

  • Thinning hair/dull coat
  • Smelly fur
  • Redness
  • Bald patches
  • Lumps or rashes
  • Dandruff
  • Incessant scratching or itching. (Sometimes pets will even bite themselves to manage the discomfort.)

If you suspect your pet is suffering from a skin condition we strongly recommend scheduling an appointment at 604-858-6560 or email us at

How can skin disease be treated in pets?

The most common advice given to pet parents is to avoid trying to solve the issue on your own based on internet information. Our veterinarians are very capable and experienced in treating skin issues. Together with our technicians, we can diagnose and develop specialized treatments for your pet.

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